
Skaldowie dzieciom (2018 edition)

35.00  z VAT

Skaldowie are one of the best and most popular bands in the history of Polish rock music.

In their first period of activity, they played beat inspired by classical music. They then progressed towards ambitious progressive rock where the Hammond organ sound played a dominant role. In the second half of the 70’s, they returned to a simpler synthesis of art rock and pop.

Until now, this album has been distributed only at the band’s live performances.

Kameleon Records edition is the first widely available release.

This CD has a new and (in our humble opinion), much more interesting and atmospheric cover.

As stated in the band’s note on the cover, the songs are not only for children, but also for parents and grandparents, in short – everyone.

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SKU: KAMCD 73 Category:


The included material, recorded in 2003, consists of Jacek Zieliński’s songs, written mostly to Kamierz Wisznowski’s lyrics, but also to his own and Gabriela Zielińska-Tarcholik’s.

Although the album title suggests the material within is mostly suited for children, it contains musical trips towards bossa nova (Kiedy zaczynasz mówić tato), references to klezmer music (Mała piosenka o całym świecie), folk (Zielone na zielonym), as well as, entirely mystical and sublime, List do Anioła Stróża.

These various parts make up a great first-rate album, which, due to limited availability, is known mostly among Skaldowie fans.

We hope that, with Kameleon Records reissue, this album will find its way to a wider audience.

  1. Prolog (1'27)
          01 Prolog
  2. Najkrótsza piosenka (3'51)
          02 Najkrótsza piosenka
  3. Piosenka miniaturka (2'25)
          03 Piosenka miniaturka
  4. Bajkowa piosenka (2'37)
          04 Bajkowa piosenka
  5. Piosenka dla Wojtusia (3'15)
          05 Piosenka dla Wojtusia
  6. Kołysanka dla syneczka (4'05)
          06 Kołysanka dla syneczka
  7. Piosenka dla Adasia (2'51)
          07 Piosenka dla Adasia
  8. Kiedy zaczynasz mówić tato (4'33)
          08 Kiedy zaczynasz mówić tato
  9. Piosenka dla mamy, która jest mamusią (3'12)
          09 Piosenka dla mamy, która jest mamusią
  10. Zielone na zielonym (2'47)
          10 Zielone na zielonym
  11. Mała piosenka o całym świecie (2'18)
          11 Mała piosenka o całym świecie
  12. List do Anioła Stróża (5'56)
          12 List do Anioła Stróża
  13. Dwa serduszka (4'17)
          13 Dwa serduszka